May have to rename this game...

I've roughed up a map I think I can continue with, but I got a bit caught up in a re-imagining of the space… I had been pulling from Spanish style kitchen reference already and I had been thinking I would continue with that for the rest of the attic.

I was finalizing a sort of blocking of the main hall area of the game… with the window etc, when I had the thought, “It could be a courtyard, I like courtyards” and I did indeed like the thought and I figured it’s already a weird attic...

And then I had the thought, “actually it doesn’t have to be an attic, it just needs to be up high…”

So I am giving that a think.

The whole thing of this remake is: I have the draft, I can go ahead and scope creep a bunch and make this something more!

My only concern is that, unmoored from my limitations set for the original I might get stuck in waffle-zone, the place I end up with a lot of projects, unable to finalize any decisions and thus… never finishing. I struggle with indecision.

So for now I am just gonna roll with this new idea, though now I have to solve the exit visibility problem on the side walls.

Probably gotta time-box some tasks so things keep moving forward.

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